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Atariforce CD List
Disk No Title
01V1 Andes Attack, Defender II, Grid Runner, Photon Storm.
01V2 Defender II, Grid Runner, Photon Storm, Andes Attack, Hardcore.
02 Llamatron (512K), Llamatron (1 MEG), Trip-A-Tron, Realtime Decoder For BAA Animation.
03 Crash Garret, Massacre Dans La 520ème Dimension.
04 Team (1 MEG STE), Powercut (1 MEG)
05 Balls Up, Aliens Buster IV.
06 Asteroids, Centipede, Galaxian, Painter with Level Designer.
07 Battletris, Matchit, Starball.
08 Alien Thing (1 MEG STE), Ishar Editor.
09 Le Nècromancien, Lombric, Tempest, Saviours.
10V1 Cyberdrome, Kamasutra, Jay MSA V1.7, Speedball II Cheat, Simcity Cheat.
10V2 Cyberdrome, Kamasutra, Jay MSA V1.7, Speedball II Cheat, Simcity Cheat.
11 Elite II (Cynix version update V1.0), Elite II (Manual, Docs and FAQ).
12 Super Stario Land with Docs, Space Fighter with Docs.
13 Battlezone, Trivial Pursuit.
14 Mr. Boomer, Bootsector Construction Set, Mouse Ka MAnia II.
15 Magic Boy with Docs, Synthetic Arts 2, Calappt.

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