Dirty Tricks Brigade

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Dirty Tricks Brigade - Compacted disk listing
Disk No. Item Contents
01 Unknown ???
. . .
02 Games Sim City, Klax, Atomix
. . .
03 - 18 Unknown ???
. . .
19 Applications Metatrak v1.0, AES Enviroment Setter, Cons Fix, TOS 14FX5, Sysmon v1.0.5, VDI-Fix v1.10, Tha Chameleon v1.19
  Games Star Struck - The Astrologer
. . .
20 - 26 Unknown ???
. . .
27 Applications Dragon Maths
  Games Tablit II
. . .
28 - 32 Unknown ???
. . .
33 Applications Flair Paint, Card Maker, Invitation Maker, ST Monitor Blank
. . .
34 Applications That's Pixel, Maps And Legends The Cartographer (Stereo Version), Phone Freeker v5.5, Dial Toner, Atari Phone Voice, JC Label v1.1c
. . .
34 Applications CTS Fix, CTS Fix, HS Fix, RS 232 Fix, Serptch, TOS 1.4 Fix, Turbo CTS, Disc Kit Desk Accessory, The Financier v1.1s, Fuji Watch, Dragon Compactor, Mapman 2, Memory Set, Outliner, Superboot v7.4, Spectrum Slide 8, Spectrum To Degas Convertor, Supercard And B Base File Convertor v4.3.

See also: Compacted disk listings.