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*                                                                  *
*                           ECPAiNT!                               *
*    The ultimate Art & Design program for all ATARI ST machines   *
*                                                                  *
*                    SHAREWARE RELEASE FROM                        *
*                                                                  *
*                   Eines Computing 1993/94                        *
*                                                                  *


This is a Shareware release of ECPAiNT!, a paint-package which is 
comparable with most mid-priced comercial releases.

The program work on all Atari STs in high resolution and at least 
one megabyte of memory.
The ECPAiNT! folder should contain the following files:

        And a folder with example files for use with ECPAiNT!, including
        fonts, fills, polygons and picture-files.


To register your copy of ECPAiNT!, send NKR 165(about Å“15) to:

        Eines Computing
        c/o H†kon Eines
        6570 ED²Y

        My bank account number is: 6367.56.01250

There might be made improvements on this program, if enough registrations 
are recieved. Please send any suggestions to Eines Computing with the 
features you would like to see in future releases of ECPAiNT!. A new
version is under development. It will be window-based, and include
even more out!

You will recieve a lot of important things if you register:

     - Updates and help...
     - Technical information...
     - More fonts...
     - Offer on other shareware releases from Eines Computing 

If there is NOT recieved enough registrations and support, there won't 
be any future quality software releases from Eines Computing. We will
propbaly continue on another system, such as the PC.


How to use ECPAiNT!:

To start ECPAiNT! double-click on ECPAiNT!.PRG, and it will start as a 
normal GEM-application in high resolution. A different method to start 
ECPAiNT!, is to drop a picture file on the ECPAiNT! icon, 
but this will only work on machines with TOS 2.00 and upwards. 
When you start ECPAiNT! by dropping a picture file onto it, the picture 
file will be imediately loaded and ready to edit or convert. 

You will soon get the desktop of ECPAiNT! in front of your eyes. To pick 
a drawing tool you hit the left mouse button, to exit the drawing 
screen you hit the right button. 

To obtain the full documentation and technical information, register as
a user of ECPAiNT!



NB! The keyboard equivalents listed here, works only when
you are painting on the drawing screen.

Undo                    = Cancel last operation
Help                    = Fullview
Spacebar                = Blockfunction meny

Left arrow key          = Scroll screen to the left (1 mm)
Right arrow key         = Scroll screen to the right (1 mm)
Up arrow key            = Scroll screen upwards (1 mm)
Down arrow key          = Scroll screen downwards (1 mm)
Control+Right arrow key = Scroll screen to the right (5 mm)
Control+Left arrow key  = Scroll screen to the left (5 mm)
Control+Up arrow key    = Scroll screen upwards (5 mm)
Control+Down arrow key  = Scroll screen downwards (5 mm)

*                       = Choose fill pattern
-                       = Decrease fillpattern
+                       = Increase fillpattern
Esc                     = Cut block
Esc+Left Shift          = Cut polygonal block
F10                     = Copy block
F1                      = Zoom x4
F2                      = Zoom x8
F3                      = Zoom x16      
N                       = Mirroreffect on
Alternate+N             = Mirroreffect off
9                       = Toggle BORDER on/off
F5                      = Graphic mode 1 (REPLACE)
F6                      = Graphic mode 2 (TRANSPARENT)
F7                      = Graphic mode 3 (XOR)
F8                      = Graphic mode 4 (INVERSE TRANSPARENT)
!                       = Grid off
"                       = Grid=2 pixels
#                       = Grid=4 pixels
$                       = Grid=8 pixels
%                       = Grid=16 pixels
&                       = Grid=32 pixels
/                       = Grid=64 pixels


1                       = PEN
2                       = BRUSH
3                       = PAINTBRUSH
4                       = SPRAY
5                       = FILL
6                       = POLYMARKER
Q                       = BOX
W                       = ROUNDED BOX
E                       = CIRCEL
R                       = ELLIPSE
T                       = ARC
Y                       = ELLIPTICAL ARC

Alternate+Q             = FILLED BOX
Alternate+W             = FILLED ROUNDED BOX
Alternate+E             = FILLED CIRCLE
Alternate+R             = FILLED ELLIPSE
Alternate+T             = PIE
Alternate+Y             = ELLIPTICAL PIE

A                       = TRIANGEL
S                       = PARALELOGRAM
D                       = CIRCULAR POLYGON
F                       = USERDEFINED POLYGON
G                       = CURVED BOX

Alternate+A             = FILLED TRIANGEL
Alternate+S             = FILLED PARALELOGRAM
Alternate+D             = FILLED CIRCULAR POLYGON
Alternate+F             = FILLED USERDEFINED POLYGON
Alternate+G             = FILLED FREEHAND POLYGON
Alternate+H             = TEXT

Z                       = BEZIER CURVE
X                       = B SPLINE
C                       = CONTINOUS LINE
V                       = LINE
B                       = RAYS



F1                      = Normal orientation (0 degrees)
F2                      = Rotated 90 degrees
F3                      = Rotated 180 degrees
F4                      = Rotated 270 degrees
F5                      = Graphic mode 1 (REPLACE)
F6                      = Graphic mode 2 (TRANSPARENT)
F7                      = Graphic mode 3 (XOR)
F8                      = Graphic mode 4 (INVERSE TRANSPARENT)
F9                      = Systemfont
F10                     = Gemfont
Help                    = Show all Characters in font
Undo                    = Cancel last operation
Esc                     = Exit to Cut block
Up arrow key            = Increase size of font
Down arrow key          = Decrease size of font
Left or Right arrow key = Shift texteffect
Backspace               = Erase last character written
Return                  = New line


Esc                     = Exit to Cut block
Help                    = Show all available characters in font
Undo                    = Cancel last operation
Shif+left mouse button will enter text object mode, thats skew x/y 
and more. This doesn't work if the text string is empty!


ESC                     = Cut & Paste block(no undo!!!)
Shift + ESC             = Cut small block(the block buffer will be used)
Spacebar                = Mirror picture
I                       = Invert picture



*  If your picture file isn't listed in the file selector, then you should
   try to load it in using the "*" symbol.

*  Try to click into the fill selector and others...!?!

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