Falcon Applications List

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                           FALCON APPLICATIONS LIST


                          compiled by Heiko Hartmann


                            Last Update:  03/30/94

                                 Titles: 331



There is new german software for the Falcon coming: Musicom II, DA's

Picture, Twist II, Crazy Sounds II...



This list contains various applications for the Atari ST computer series

and informations about their compatibility with the Atari Falcon 030.

Note: There is a special list for games, called "Falcon - List of Games".

You can get the newest versions of both lists from ftp.uni-kl.de.


If you have anything to add to this list, please send me a EMail with the

following informations:

Name, Status (PD, Shareware, commercial), compatibility (F030 & MultiTOS),

supported resolutions and the version number.

If you don't have all informations - it doesn't matter, send me as much as

you know. Please! Don't send me informations about cracked stuff...


ST: Status of the application. There are three possibilities:

      "PD" : The application is Public Domain, Freeware, Postcardware...

      "SH" : The application is Shareware, Dongleware etc...

      "CO" : The application is a commercial program.

F030: Does the application run on the Falcon?

      First character:

      "-"  : The application does never run on the Falcon.

      "+"  : The application does run but is limited (see notes).

      "!"  : The application does run without any problems.

      Second character:

      "M"  : The application does run under MultiTOS.

      "T"  : The application does not run with MultiTOS (T=TOS).

RES: Which resolutions are supported?

      "STH": The application does only support ST-High.

      "STM": The application does only support ST-Mid.

      "STL": The application does only support ST-Low.

      "ST" : The application supports at minimum ST-High AND one of the

             color-resolutions of the ST.

      "TT" : The application supports ST-resoultions AND TT-Mid/Low.

      "b/w": The application supports ALL monochrome resolutions.

      "ALL": The application supports ALL possible resolutions.

             (Note: in many cases resolutions with at minimum 640x400 dots).

"??" means: unknown (if you know => Please, EMail me!)


Name:                 ST  F030  RES   Notes


1stBase 2.0           CO   !M   ALL

1st Card 1.2          CO   -    STH

1stGuide              SH   !M   ALL   Version: 15.12.93

1stLock 1.2           CO   !M   ALL

1st Word Plus 3.x     CO   !M   ALL

1st Word Plus 4       CO   !M   ALL

525 0.9               PD   !M   ALL

7up 2.20              SH   !M   ALL

ACopy ST 1.3          CO   -    ALL

ACS pro 2.05          CO   !M   ALL

Adresse 1.65          SH   !M   ALL

AGrep 2.04            PD   !M   ALL

Aladin 1.x            CO   -    STH

Analyse One 2.0       CO   !T   STH

Anm-Link              CO   !?   ALL

AnsiTerm              PD   !?   STM   V 1.0

Arabesque             CO   !T   b/w   V 1.x

Arc 6.02              PD   !M   ALL

ArcShell              SH   !?   ALL   No True Color

Argon (CD) 2.61       CO   !M   ALL

A.S.H.-Utilities 1.0  CO   !M   ALL

Assemble + Adebug     CO   !M   ALL

Assempro              ??   !?   ???

AstroGra 2.30         CO   !T   STH

AstroPro 1.5e         CO   !T   ALL

Atari Planetarium     ??   -    ???

Atari Works           CO   !M   ALL

Audio-Video Sequenzer ??   -    ???

Avant Plot 1.3        CO   !M   ALL

Avant Trace 2.0       CO   !M   ALL

Avant Vektor 2.0      CO   !M   ALL

BAAS 1.51             CO   !M   ALL

Band-In-A-Box         CO   !?   ST    V5.0

Basic Help GFA 1.0    CO   !M   ALL

BioNet 100 5.0        CO   !M   ALL

Blinex 1.3x           PD   !?   ALL

BlowUp030 1.6         CO   !M   ALL   Falcon only

CalAppt               PD   !M   ALL

Calamus 1.09N         CO   !T   b/w

Calamus S             CO   !T   ALL

Calamus SL            CO   !T   ALL

Calligrapher Light    PD   !T   ALL   Redraw problems

Castell 3.6           CO   -    STH

CD-Play               CO   !M   ALL   Falcon only

CD-Tools 1.04         CO   !M   ALL

Chagall 4C & C 2.1    CO   !M   ALL

Chagall Ltd.          CO   !M   ALL

Chameleon 1.19        PD   !T   ALL

Chaos 6.40            SH   !M   ALL

Checkdisk (Atari)     PD   !M   ALL

Chronos Key 2.0       CO   !M   ALL

Chronos Falcon        CO   !?   ALL   runs on Falcon & TT

Chronos ST            CO   -    ???

Circu it! 1.4         CO   !M   ALL

CNCProfi 1.0          CO   !M   b/w

ColorPCD 1.10         CO   !?   ???

Coma 1.80             SH   !M   ALL

Connect 2.46          SH   !?   ALL

ConnectiCAD 1.2       CO   -    b/w

Copyist Prof.         ??   !?   ???

Crack Art             SH   +T   STL   No block rotate

Crazy Sounds 1.23     CO   !M   ALL   needs DMA-Sound

Crossword Creator II  CO   !?   ???

Cryptographer         ??   !?   ???

Crypton 2.01          CO   !M   ALL

CS-TeX                PD   !T   ALL   V 3.x, 4.x

Cubase                CO   !T   ALL   V 3.02

Cubase Audio Falcon   CO   !?   ALL

CV-Trans 3.0          SH   !M   ALL

Cyber Color           CO   !T   STL

Cyber Sculpt          CO   +T   STH   No object pallete

DataLight 2.18        CO   !M   ALL

DataManager ST        ??   !?   ???

DA's Layout           CO   !M   b/w

DA's Picture          CO   !M   ALL

DA's Vektor           CO   !M   ALL

DA's Vektor Pro       CO   !M   ALL

DataDiet 1.01         CO   !M   ALL

DataTrieve            ??   !?   ???

DC Format             SH   !?   ALL   V 3.02

DC Shower             PD   -    ???   V 1.0

Degas Elite           CO   !T   ST

Deluxe Paint ST       CO   !T   STL   V 1.00

Desert Drain 1.41     SH   !M   ALL

Deskcopy              SH   !M   ALL

Deskfmt               SH   !M   ALL   V 08.04.93

Desktrak 1.22         SH   !?   ALL

DevPac ST             CO   !T   ???   V 2.08

Devpac III            CO   !T   ALL

Diablo                CO   !?   ???

Diamond Back II       CO   !?   ???

Diamond Back III      CO   !?   ???

Digit 1.2             CO   !T   STH

Digit II 1.4          CO   !M   ALL   Falcon only. Versions: MIDI & Studio

DigiTape light & II   CO   !M   ALL   Falcon only.

Dirsort 1.0           PD   !M   ALL

Diskus 3.0            CO   !M   ALL

D-Term                ??   !?   ???   Redraw problems

DTPaint               ??   -    ???

Easy Draw 2.x         CO   -    ???         

Easy Draw 3.0         CO   !?   ???  

E-Backup 1.0          CO   !M   ALL   Does run on TT & Falcon

E-Copy 1.6            CO   !M   ALL

Ease 3.0              CO   !M   ALL   Not in ST-Low

Easybase (light) 1.41 CO   -    b/w

Edison                CO   !M   ALL

Edith 1.0             SH   !M   ALL

Elfe 1.06             CO   !T   ALL

ESim 2.8              CO   !M   ALL

ESS-Code 5.04         SH   !M   ALL

Everest 3.2           SH   !M   ALL

Fast-Fourier 1.7      CO   !M   b/w

Falcon D2D            CO   !M   ???   Falcon only

FCopy 3               PD   -    ALL

FCopy Pro             CO   -    ALL

FibuMan               CO   !T   STH   all versions

FibuStat 3.5          CO   -    STH

File Catlog 1.4       SH   !M   ALL

Find 3.70             PD   !M   ALL

Flash 1.6             CO   -    ???

Fleet Street Publ.    CO   !?   ???

FlexLink 1.3          CO   !M   ALL   Does run on TT & Falcon.

F.M. Terminal         CO   !?   ALL

Formular Plus 3.10    SH   !M   ALL

Fortune 1.0           PD   !T   ALL   Falcon only

Fractals IV 4.33      CO   !M   ALL

Freeway 1.14          CO   !M   ALL

FTL Modula-2          CO   !?   ???

Fuzzy Clock           SH   !?   ALL

FZDT                  ??   !?   ???   Redraw problems

G+Plus                CO   !?   ???

GAL-Ed 1.4            CO   !M   ALL

Gemar 2.20            SH   !M   ALL

GemBench 3.40         SH   !M   ALL

Gemini 2              SH   !M   ALL   (Mupfel now works on F030!)

GEMTerm 1.20          PD   !?   ALL

GemView               SH   !M   ALL

GenEdit 1.x           ??   -    ???

Genesis Fractal WB    CO   -    ???

GFA Basic 2.x         CO   !T   ST

GFA Basic 3.x         CO   !T   ST    All monochrome resolutions.

GMa-Text 2.02         CO   !T   b/w

GNU-C++ 2.x           PD   !M   ALL   Complete package (debugger, ass...)

GNU Ghostscript 2.x   PD   !M   ALL   + GEMShell

GNU-Zip 2.x           PD   !M   ALL

GSZRZ 4.30            SH   !?   ALL

GrepIt 1.1            SH   !M   ALL

Grocery Lister 4.0    SH   !M   ALL

Guck 1.8              SH   !T   ALL

Guitarist             ??   !?   ???

Gulam-Shell           SH   !T   ALL

Harlekin 2            CO   !?   ALL

Harlekin 3.1          CO   !M   ALL

HCopy 1.7x            SH   !M   ALL

HDDriver 2.70         CO   !M   ALL

Hisoft Basic 2        CO   !?   ???

Hisoft C              CO   !?   ALL

HiSpeed Pascal        CO   !?   ???

Hushi 2.x             CO   -    ALL

Hushi 5.x             CO   !M   ALL

Hyperlay 1.12         CO   !?   ALL

Ice-Pack 2.4          PD   !T   ALL

IconEdi 3.0           SH   !M   ALL

Idealist 3.40         SH   !M   ALL

Imploid 1.20          SH   -    ???

Ing CAD 2.0           CO   -    b/w   TT only

InShape 1.02          CO   -    TT    TT only, color resolutions

InShape Intro 1.0     CO   !T   ALL   Falcon only, color resolutions

Interface             CO   !M   ALL

Interlink             CO   !?   ???   V 1.7

It's all relative TCP CO   !?   ???   TCP=Tree Chart Program

Junior Prommer 2.41   CO   !T   ST 

Kandinsky 1.57        SH   !T   ALL

Karma 1.61            CO   !M   ALL

Keyboard Contr. Sequ. ??   !?   ???   V 4.0

Kobold                CO   !M   ALL

KornShell 4.80        PD   !M   ALL

K-Spread (light) 4.19 CO   !M   ALL

Lattice C 5.5x        CO   !?   ALL   uses FPU

Less 1.77             PD   !M   ALL

Le Redakteur 4        CO   !T   ALL   Minimum-Res: 640x400

LHarc 2.x             SH   !M   ALL

Lindner-TeX           SH   !T   ALL

Little Green Selector SH   -    ALL

Live 1.61             CO   !T   b/w

Live Basic 1.11       CO   !T   b/w

Liveplus 2.01         CO   !M   ALL

LPR Modula-2          PD   !M   ALL

Mag!x 2               CO   -    ALL

Make_Up 1.03          SH   !?   ALL

Mandala 1.0           CO   !?   ???

ManView 1.0           SH   !M   ALL

Marc 4.0              SH   !M   ALL   V 1.01

Master Brouse 3.50    SH   !?   ???

Maxidat 4.32          CO   !M   ALL

Maxon-Pascal 1.6      CO   -    ALL

Maxon-Prolog 1.01     CO   -    ALL

Maxon-Prommer 2       CO   !M   ALL   V 3.0

Means 1.2             CO   -    ALL

Memfile               ??   !?   ???   V 3.0

MetaDOS 2.30          PD   !?   ALL

Metafont (Burkhahn)   SH   !T   ALL

MFS 6.09              SH   !M   ALL

MidiCom 3.9           CO   !M   ALL

Midnight 2.0          CO   !M   ALL

Mjuzzak 1.20          SH   !?   ALL   Falcon only

Morpher 1.0           CO   !M   ALL

Mortimer 1.16         CO   -    STH

Mortimer Deluxe 3.10  CO   !T   ALL

Mortimer Plus 2.09    CO   -    ALL

MSA-II 2.3+           SH   !M   ALL

MultiGEM 2.0          CO   !T   ALL

MultiDial 1.03        SH   !M   ALL

MultiTeX 5.2          CO   !M   ALL   uses FPU, V5.1 does not run with MTOS!

Multi-Writer          ??   !M   ???

Musicmon 2.0          CO   !T   ST    needs DMA-Sound

Music Studio          CO   !?   ???

Music Studio '88      CO   !?   ???

NVDI 2.5              CO   !M   ALL

NVDI 1.x/2.0x         CO   -    ALL

Omikron Basic 4.09    CO   -    ALL   TT only

Omikron Basic Junior  CO   -    ST    ST only, V 3.09

Omikron Basic 3.5     CO   !T   ALL   V 3.6

Omikron Draw 3.03     CO   -    STH

ORCS                  SH   !?   ALL

Outline Art           CO   !M   ALL

Outside 3.20          CO   !M   ALL   Does run on TT & Falcon

PacShell 2.53         SH   !M   ALL

Pagestream            CO   !?   ALL   Problems in color-modes

PAM's Hiker 1.3       CO   !M   ALL

PAM's Net 1.3         CO   !M   ALL

Papillion 2.x         CO   !M   ALL

Papyrus (Gold) 3.0    CO   !M   ALL          

Paula 2.2a            SH   !M   ALL   (V 2.1x do not work!)

PCDitto 3.0           CO   -    ???

PFXPack               SH   !T   ALL

PGPShell 0.5          SH   !M   ALL

Phoenix 2.0 (Renderer)CO   !?   ALL

Phoenix 3.0 (Database)CO   !M   ALL

Photo Show            ??   +?   ???   Needs Backward!

Piccolo 2.0           CO   !T   ALL

Pinhead 2.10          SH   !M   ALL   MAY cause problems

PixArt 1.x            CO   !M   ALL

Platon 2.3            CO   !T   ALL

POV-Ray 2.20          SH   !M   ALL

POVShell 1.11         SH   !M   ALL

PrintMaster Plus      CO   !?   STM

Prism Paint           CO   !T   ALL   V 1.x and 2.0

ProList 2.12          SH   !M   ALL

PS-Control 2.0        PD   !M   ALL   (MultiTOS)

Publishing Partner M. CO   !?   ???

Pure C 1.x            CO   !M   ALL   Debugger crashes sometimes, uses FPU

Pure Pascal 1.x       CO   !T   ALL

Pure Profiler 1.0     CO   !M   ALL

QED 3.10              SH   !M   ALL

RayStart 2.01         CO   !M   ALL

Recog                 ??   -    ???

Render 24             CO   -    ST

Rez Fool 1.20         PD   !M   ALL   Falcon only

Route it! 1.4         CO   !M   ALL

Rufus 1.35            SH   !?   ALL

Samplemaker           ??   +?   ???   Some problems...

SampleStar            CO   -    STH   ST only, all versions

Sample Wizard 1.2     CO   -    STH   TT only

Sagrotan              SH   -    b/w

Scan_it 2.0           CO   !M   ???

Score Perfect Pro 2.0 CO   !T   b/w

Script 2.x            CO   !M   ALL

SCSITool 5.80         CO   !M   ALL

SE-Adress 1.42        CO   !M   ALL

SE-Fakt! 1.3          CO   !M   ALL

Selectric 1.10        SH   !M   ALL

Signum! 2             CO   -    STH

Signum! 3.x           CO   !T   ALL

Skyplot 5.4           CO   !M   ALL

Sleepy Joe 2.40       CO   !M   ALL

Song Editor           ??   !?   ???   V 1.0

Speed of Light        SH   !T   ALL   No True Color

Spice 2G6 1.25        CO   !M   ALL

Spiceline 1.53        CO   !M   ALL

Spirit Editor         PD   !M   ALL

STAD 1.3+             CO   !T   STH

Staned 1.2            CO   !M   ALL

Stanlog 1.0           CO   !M   ALL

STElm3                PD   !M   ALL

STCron4 1.10          PD   !M   ALL

ST-Fakt 3.29          CO   !T   ALL

ST-Fibu 3.x           CO   !T   ALL

ST-Giro 1.21          CO   !T   b/w

ST-Guide              PD   !M   ALL   Version: 09.02.94

STOS-Basic            CO   -    ST

ST Virus Killer       ??   !?   ???   V 3.11

ST Writer Elite       PD   !?   ???

STZip 2.x             PD   !M   ALL

Studio Photo DSP      CO   !?   ALL   Falcon only

Sudden View           ??   !?   ST

Syntex 1.2            CO   !M   ALL

Sysinfo               SH   !?   ???   V 8.34

SysMon 1.09           SH   !?   ???

System Audio Manager  PD?  !M   ALL

Talking Clock         CO   !M   ALL

TakeOff 2.07          PD   !M   ALL

Tar 1.12              PD   !M   ALL

TCache 6.20           SH   !?   ALL

TCSH P3 6.03          PD   !M   ALL

Tell IT 1.5           CO   !T   b/w

Tempus 2              CO   !?   ???

Tempus Word           CO   !T   ALL   all versions

TeXDraw               SH   !M   ALL

Tiny Term             ??   !?   ALL

TLC Formatter         SH   !?   ???   V 3.02

Topaz Fractal 1.01    SH   !M   ALL

TOSWin 4.10           PD   !M   ALL

Touch-Up              CO   !?   ???   V 1.54, 1.84

True Disk 2.20        PD   -    ???

True Paint            CO   !?   ALL

TurboAss 1.77         SH   !T   ST    68000-code only.

Turbo C               CO   !?   ALL

Twist 1.05            CO   !M   ALL

Twixt                 CO   !?   ALL

TwoinOne 1.03         SH   !M   ALL

Ultimate Virus Killer SH   !?   ???

UnArj 2.41            PD   !M   ALL

UUX789 3.40           PD   !M   ALL

VanTerm               ??   +?   ???   Bombs sometimes...

VDI-Font 2.10         PD   !M   ALL

Virendetektor 3.1x    SH   !T   ALL

VT-Decoder 1.2        CO   !M   ALL

WERCS                 CO   !?   ???

Whatis 2.01           PD   !?   ALL

WinCut 1.0            SH   !M   ALL   Falcon only

WinRec 1.3x           SH   !M   ALL   Falcon only

Winx 1.x              PD   -    ALL

Winx 2.20             PD   !M   ALL

Word Search Creator   ??   !?   ???

Word Writer ST        ??   !?   ???   V 2.2

Word Perfect          CO   !?   ???   V 4-18-91 (not with Maccel!)

XAct                  CO   !M   ALL

XAct Draw             CO   !M   ALL

XBoot                 CO   !M   ALL   V 2.x, 3.x

Xenomorph 1.0         CO   !T   ST

Xenomorph Plus 2.0    CO   !M   ALL

XHDI 1.2              CO   !M   ALL

XInfo 1.0             SH   !?   ALL

X-Window (PAM) 11.5   CO   !T   b/w   Does run on TT & Falcon

ZOO 2.x               PD   !M   ALL

Zoom 1.0              CO   !M   ALL


No warranty for the correctness of all informations in this list! I am

not able to test all the applications by myself!

This list may be distributed freely. Commercial use of this list is not

allowed (for example: publishing in a commercial magazine -> contact the

author first!)

You can reach me via EMail at:

                   Heiko Hartmann


                or higgi@yeti.faveve.uni-stuttgart.de



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