Imaging using LibDSK on XP

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LIBDSK/Diskette Tools

This program wasn't coded in order to image Atari disks. But since it can output RAW disk dumps, it works. It supports writing RAW-files back to disks, too.

  1. Get the fdrawcmd.sys driver from & install it
  2. Get the win32 build of dsktools from & run it
  3. insert an atari ST disk
  4. click on 'Disk' and select 'Copy...'
  5. select "A:" in "Drive / Disc image to READ:"
  6. use "ntwdm" as the "Drive / file type"
  7. use "Auto detect" for compression & format override
  8. click on "next" to go to the next page
  9. select the target file
 10. use "raw" as file type & no compression
 11. click on "next" and then click on "finish"
 12. add the extension '.st' to your newly created file (not '.msa'!)
 13. you're finished!

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