D2D Edit

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D2D Edit was released in 1993 by D2D Systems, an offshoot company of Lynett Systems Ltd, again formed by entrepreneur Michael Lynch responsible for the Lynex and ADAS-ST. It was the first D2D recorder for the Atari Falcon, which allows stereo sampling and sample editing using the Falcon's internal ADC, or to one of the external ADCs available for the Falcon, such as the often forgotten A/D64x by Singular Solutions. D2D Edit is capable of 16-bit sampling, up to a frequency of 50 kHz.

D2D Edit.png


  • Name: D2D Edit
  • Type: D2D Recorder / Sampler / Sample Editor
  • Sample Format: 16 bits
  • Sample Rate: Up to 50 kHz
  • Sound Quality: Stereo
  • Hardware ADC: Atari Falcon Internal and External
  • ADC Connection Type: DSP Port

--Atari74user 18:50, 3 April 2016 (CEST)

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