Sound Samplers

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Sound Samplers / Editors for the Atari TOS Family


The first Sound Samplers for the TOS range of computers started to appear in 1986. This is a non-exhaustive list of those Samplers* and Sample Editors**, to serve as a catalogue.

  • *The term Sampler will be used hereafter, commonly evolved from the once termed Sound Digitiser, in this context meaning a tool used for digitising sound, typically shorter in length. Not to be confused with Multitrack Hard Disk (HD) / Direct to Disk (D2D) recording, later to evolve to Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs), however some listed here, although not full blown DAWs, are the beginnings of what we now associate with the term, offering D2D.
  • **Lastly, to distinguish, Sample Editors are those that only edit samples, and therefore do not sample (i.e do not create digital sounds via an ADC). However editing is naturally a feature of Samplers.


  • Samplers
  • Sample Editors
  • MIDI Sample Editors
  • Sound Generators
  • D2D software where no multitrack recording is offered, intrinsic to Samplers, although not exclusive by modern standards


  • D2D multitrack recorders (early DAWs)
  • Universal Patch Editors / Librarians
  • Samplers and Sample Editors included in Digital Trackers, as these are deemed a feature of the Tracker


Name Software Company / Developer Year Type* Max. Sample Format Max. Sample Rate
IS Sound Digitiser Innovated Software 1986 / 1987 Sampler 8 bits 48 kHz
ST Sound Digitizer Hippopotamus Software / Navarone Industries 1987 Sampler 8 bits 64 kHz
Pro Sound Designer Eldersoft / Power Computing 1987 Sampler 8 bits 30 kHz
PSE-900 Editor Geerdes 1987 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
SampleMaker Virtual Sounds 1987 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
ST Sonic Editor Sonus Corporation 1987 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
Pro Sample Editor JCD Midi Software 1987 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
Softsynth Digidesign 1988 Sound Generator 16 bits 44.1 kHz
Lynex Lynett Systems 1988 Sampler 16 bits 50 kHz
Edit-DSS Savant Audio 1989 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
ST Pro Sampler Studio Datel Electronics 1989 Sampler 8 bits 28.9 kHz
Sample Maker Pro ACN 1989 Sampler 8 bits 40 kHz
Turbosynth Digidesign 1989 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
Sound Merlin Tommy Software 1989 Sampler 8 bits 50 kHz
SonicDreams Daniel Skaborn / Peter Sansom 1990+ MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
Sample Master Plus AVR (2 Bit Systems) 1991 Sampler 8 bits 25 kHz
DaataSound Pandaal 1991 Sampler 8 bits 25 kHz
ADAS-ST Plasmec 1991 D2D Recorder 16 bits 48 kHz
Sound Lab DMJ Software 1992 Sampler 8 bits 30 kHz
ADS-Edit Chris Biedermann 1993 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
D2D Edit D2D Systems 1993 D2D Recorder 16 bits 50 kHz
The Superb Sample Editor Daniel Hastings 1994 D2D Recorder 16 bits 50 kHz
WaveMaster Soundpool 1996 Sample Editor 16 bits 48 kHz
Sound Chip Synth Electronic Cow 1996 Sound Generator 16 bits 48 kHz
Wibbly Wave Electronic Cow 1996 Sound Generator 8 bits Unknown
Snippit Synth Electronic Cow 1997 Sound Generator 16 bits 50 kHz
Scribble Synth Electronic Cow 1998 Sound Generator 16 bits 50 kHz
Squash it! Electronic Cow 1999 Sample Editor 16 bits 48 kHz
New Wave David Snow 2000 Sound Generator 16 bits 50 kHz
LEAD-R Ali Reza Vojdanitalab 2004 Sound Generator 16 bits 44.1 kHz
Add Active Ali Reza Vojdanitalab 2005 Sound Generator 16 bits 44.1 kHz
Replay Series
ST Replay Microdeal / MichTron in the U.S. 1986 / 1987 Sampler 8 bits 31 kHz
Replay 4 Microdeal / MichTron in the U.S. 1989 Sampler 8 bits 50 kHz
Replay Professional Microdeal 1990 Sampler 8 bits 48 kHz
Replay 8 Microdeal 1990 Sampler 8 bits 48 kHz
Stereo Replay Microdeal 1991 Sampler 8 bits 48 kHz
Replay 16 Microdeal 1992 Sampler 16 bits 48 kHz
Clarity 16 Microdeal 1994 Sampler 16 bits 48 kHz
Sound Sampler Series
Sound Sampler Computer Technology Zaporowski 1986 Sampler 10 bits 70 kHz
Sound Sampler + Computer Technology Zaporowski 1988 Sampler 10 bits 66 kHz
AS Sound Sampler Series
AS Sound Sampler I and II G-Data 1987 / 1988 Sampler 8 bits 36.4 kHz
AS Sound Sampler III G-Data 1990 Sampler 16 bits 45 kHz
Soundworks Series
Soundworks Steinberg 1987 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
Soundfiler Series
Soundfiler Drumware 1987 to 1988 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
Genwave Series
Genwave 12 Drumware / IMS / Hybrid Arts 1987 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
Genwave 16 IMS / Hybrid Arts 1989 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
ADAP Series
ADAP / ADAP II Soundrack Hybrid Arts 1987 & 1989 Sampler 16 bits 48 kHz
Sondigit Series
Sondigit Didier Mequignon 1987 to 2001 Sampler 16 bits 44.1 kHz
Digisound Series
Digisound / Digisound Professional Siren Software / Alpha Systems 1988 & 1989 Sampler 8 bits 40 kHz
Sound System Series
Sound System S612 Soft Arts 1988 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
Sound System X7000 Soft Arts 1989 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
Sound Designer Series
Sound Designer / Sound Designer II Digidesign 1989 & 1990 Sampler 16 bits 48 kHz
Avalon Series
Avalon / Avalon 2 Steinberg 1989 & 1991 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
Master Series
Master Sound Horizon / Pandaal / Microdeal 1989 Sampler 8 bits 20 kHz
Master Sound 2 Microdeal 1990 Sampler 8 bits 30.7 kHz
Stereo Master Microdeal 1991 Sampler 8 bits 27.9 kHz
Pro Series
Pro Series 12 AVR (2 Bit Systems) 1990 Sampler 12 bits 48 kHz
Pro Series 16 AVR (2 Bit Systems) 1991 Sampler 16 bits 44.1 kHz
Sample Wizard Series
Sample Wizard STE / Sample Wizard TT Galactic 1990 Sampler 8 bits 50 kHz
Maestro Series
STOS Maestro / STOS Maestro Plus Mandarin 1992 Sampler 8 bits 32 kHz
Toto Sampler Series
Toto Sampler Torsten Thiel 1992 to 1996 Sampler 8 bits 50 kHz
S-7ES Series
S-7ES Ingo Debus 1992 to 1997 MIDI Sample Editor N/A N/A
Musicom Series
Musicom / Musicom 2 Compo 1993 D2D Recorder 16 bits 49.2 kHz
Win Series
WinRec Andreas Binner 1994 D2D Recorder 16 bits 49 kHz
WinRec Pro / WinRec Pro 2 MAXON Computer 1994 / 1995 D2D Recorder 16 bits 49 kHz
WinCut / WinCut Pro / WinCut Pro 2 Andreas Binner / MAXON Computer 1993 to 1995 Sample Editor 16 bits 49 kHz
AudioCreate Series
AudioCreate Simon Dehaese 1995 & 1997 Sampler 16 bits 49.17 kHz
Zero-X Series
Zero-X / Zero-X 2 Copson Data 1995 & 1998 Sample Editor 16 bits 48 kHz
  • *Type listed here is the product's main feature, but not necessarily it's sole feature. See details of product for further details.

--Atari74user 23:11, 9 June 2016 (CEST)


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