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Formatted Disk Image (FDI) file format version 2.0 description (1st revision) 

Words, 3-byte values and Double-words are always big-endian, that is most-significant byte stored at the lowest address. 

1. File Header 
2. Track Description 
3. Types 0xDn and 0xFn: raw FM/GCR/MFM data track 
4. Type 0xCn: FM/GCR raw decoded-data track 
5. Type 0xEn: MFM raw decoded-data track 
6. Type 0x8n-0xBn: pulses-index streams track 
1. File Header 
The header is at least 512 bytes in size. 

Offset Name 
Value Description 
+ 0 signature 27 "Formatted Disk", 
" Image file", 
File signature 
+ 27 creator 30 0x20 by default Creator's signature. For example: 
"ApH's Disk2FDI PC version 0.97" 
+ 57 CR 2 0xD,0xA 
+ 59 comment 80 0x1A by default Comment describing the disk image contents 
+ 139 EOF 1 0x1A End Of File (for DOS "type" command) 
+ 140 version 2 2,0 Image version number 
+ 142 ltrack 2 ? Last track in image (number of tracks - 1) 
+ 144 lhead 1 ? Last head in image (number of heads - 1) 
+ 145 type 1 ? 0=8", 1=5.25", 2=3.5", 3=3" 
+ 146 rotspeed 1 ? Base rotation speed - 128 (in rotations/min) 
+ 147 flags 1 0000 00?? Flags 
=1 => Disk is write protected 
=1 => Image is index-synchronized 
Reserved for future use 
+ 148 tpi 1 ? TPI: 0=48, 1=67, 2=96, 3=100, 4=135, 5=192 
+ 149 headwidth 1 ? In TPI equivalent: 0=48, 1=67, ..., 5=192 
+ 150 reserved 2 0 Reserved for future use 
+ 152 
tracks 2T See section 2 Tracks description (90 double-sided cylinders reserved 
in first 512 bytes) 
cylinder-ordered, then head-ordered for each cylinder 

If there are more than 180 tracks, then one or more 512-byte blocks are allocated for the extra tracks. 

2. Track Description 
For each word in the "tracks" field of the header: 

Offset Name 
Value Description 
+ 0 type 1 ? Track type: 

The FDI 2.0 specification features 3 levels of data representation.
Lower levels offer a richer representation, especially for non-standard or protected tracks.

- High-level types:
0x0=blank track (size field should be 0)
0x1=standard Amiga double-density track
0x2=standard Amiga high-density track
0x3=standard ST double-density 9-sector track
0x4="standard" ST double-density 10-sector track
0x5=standard PC double-density 8-sector track
0x6=standard PC double-density 9-sector track
0x7=standard PC high-density 15-sector track
0x8=standard IBM high-density 18-sector track
0x9=standard IBM extra-high-density 36-sector track
0xA=standard C= 1541 track
0xB=standard DOS 3.2.x- disk ][ track
0xC=standard DOS 3.3+ disk ][ track
0xD=standard Apple GCR 3.5" track
0xE=standard IBM single-density 10-sector track
0xF-0x7F=reserved for future use
- Mid-level types:
0xCn=FM and/or GCR raw decoded-data track
0xDn=raw FM and/or GCR data track
For types 0xCn and 0xDn, n=bit rate:
5=Apple 3.5" GCR, tracks 48-63 (281.25Kbit/s)
6=Apple 3.5" GCR, tracks 32-47 (312.5Kbit/s)
7=Apple 3.5" GCR, tracks 16-31 (343.75Kbit/s)
8=Apple 3.5" GCR, tracks 0-15 (375Kbit/s)
9=Commodore 1541 speed zone 1 (tracks 25-30)
10=Commodore 1541 speed zone 2 (tracks 18-24)
11=Commodore 1541 speed zone 3 (tracks 1-17)
12-14=reserved for future use
15=implied bit rate

0xEn=MFM raw decoded-data track, upward compatible with FDI version 1.0: 
tracks imaged into type 0xEn version 2.0 will work with a software designed for type 0xEn version 1.0. 
0xFn=raw MFM data track 

For types 0xEn and 0xFn, n=bit rate:
6-14=reserved for future use
15=implied bit rate

- Low-level type:
0x8n-0xBn=pulses-index streams track
Offset Name 
Value Description 
+ 1 size 1 (tracksize/256) Size of track data. 

Size of track data in image in multiple of 256 bytes. If the real size is not a multiple of 256 bytes, then it is increased 
to the next 256-byte boundary, and the added bytes are set to 0. 


- in the case of an Amiga double-density track (type 1):
high 4 bits=first sector in track
low 4 bits=size of track data in image in multiple of 512 bytes
-for types 0x8n-0xBn, the size (multiple of 256 bytes) is a 14-bit value, which 6 higher bits are coded in the 
6 lower bits of the "type" byte, and the 8 lower bits are coded in the "size" byte. 
3. Types 0xDn and 0xFn: raw FM/GCR/MFM data track 
Offset Name 
+ 0 size 4 Exact size (in bits) of track until it loops 
+ 4 indexpos 4 Offset in bits to the index signal from the beginning of 
the data 
+ 8 rawdata size/8(+1) Raw data, FM and/or GCR encoded for type 0xDn, or 
MFM-encoded for type 0xFn 

4. Type 0Cxh: FM/GCR raw decoded-data track 
Offset Name 
+ 0 encoding 1 Type of encoding: 
0=standard FM 
1=Commodore GCR 
2-0xFF=reserved for future use 
+ 1 indexpos 3 Offset in bits to the index signal from the beginning of 
the data, re-encoded to FM/GCR 
+ 4 cookedata n Data descriptors, see below: 

Note that no Apple GCR was defined, because the self-synchronization process can lose some '0' bits, so an Apple 
GCR track should be imaged as a type 0xDn. 

List of standard FM (type 0) descriptors: 

data type description 
packed data extension:
size in bytes-
description of the field 
unpacked dataDD stands for data byte 
one "0" bit 0x00 -0 
one "1" bit 0x01 -1 
deleted data FM sync 0x02 -1*0xF56A 
data FM sync 0x03 -1*0xF56B 
data FM sync 0x04 -1*0xF56E 
standard data FM sync 0x05 -1*0xF56F 
standard FM index sync 0x06 -1*0xF77A 
standard FM header sync 0x07 -1*0xF57E 
In this section, FM-decoded data is re-encoded by inserting a '1' bit before every data bit. 
For RLE data, a size of 0 means 256 bytes. 
RLE FM/GCR-encoded data 0x08 1-size in bytes, 1-data byte X*DD 
RLE FM-decoded data 0x09 1-size in bytes, 1-data byte X*DD 
FM/GCR-encoded data 0x0A 2-size in bits, 
ceil(size in bits/8)-data 
FM/GCR-encoded data 0x0B 2-(size in bits-65536), 
ceil(size in bits/8)-data 
FM-decoded data 0x0C 2-size in bits, 
ceil(size in bits/8)-data 
FM-decoded data 0x0D 2-(size in bits-65536), 
ceil(size in bits/8)-data 
end of buffer 0xFF -

List of Commodore GCR (type 1) descriptors: 

data type description 
packed data extension:
size in bytes-
description of the field 
unpacked dataDD stands for data byte 
reserved 0x00 -
reserved 0x01 -
CBM GCR sync mark 0x02 2-size in bits X '1' bits 
In this section, every GCR-decoded nibble is re-encoded by using the standard Commodore GCR 
encoding table. For RLE data, a size of 0 means 256 bytes. 
RLE FM/GCR-encoded data 0x08 1-size in bytes, 1-data byte X*DD 
RLE C= GCR-decoded data 0x09 1-size in bytes, 1-data byte X*DD 
FM/GCR-encoded data 0x0A 2-size in bits, 
ceil(size in bits/8)-data 
FM/GCR-encoded data 0x0B 2-(size in bits-65536), 
ceil(size in bits/8)-data 
CBM GCR-decoded data 0x0C 2-size in nibbles, 
ceil(size in nibbles/2)-data 
reserved 0x0D 
end of buffer 0xFF -

5. Type 0Exh: MFM raw decoded-data track 
Offset Name 
+ 0 encoding 1 Type of encoding: 
0=standard MFM 
1-0xFF=reserved for future use 
+ 1 indexpos 3 Offset in bits to the index signal from the beginning of 
the data, re-encoded to MFM 
+ 4 cookedata n Data descriptors, see below: 

Please note that the following descriptors have been significantly simplified over FDI version 1.0: Types 0x00 to 
0x0D, and 0xFF are unchanged, while all other types have been removed. 

List of standard MFM (type 0) descriptors: 

data type description 
packed data extension:
size in bytes-
description of the field 
unpacked dataDD stands for data byte 
In this section, MFM re-encoded data for types 0x02 and 0x03 include the first MFM synchronization 
bit. They also include the next MFM synchronization bit if they are immediately followed by MFMdecoded 
data of type 0x0C or 0x0D. 
one "0" bit 0x00 -0 
one "1" bit 0x01 -1 
standard MFM sync 0x02 -1*0x4489 
standard Index sync 0x03 -1*0x5224 
one MFM sync bit 0x04 -1 if both neighboring bits are 
0, 0 otherwise. 
In this section, MFM re-encoded data do NOT include the 2 outter MFM sync bits. 
For RLE data, a size of 0 means 256 bytes. 
RLE MFM-encoded data 0x08 1-size in bytes, 1-data byte X*DD 
RLE MFM-decoded data 0x09 1-size in bytes, 1-data byte X*DD 
MFM-encoded data 0x0A 2-size in bits,
ceil(size in bits/8)-data 
MFM-decoded data 0x0B 2-(size in bits-65536), 
ceil(size in bits/8)-data 
MFM-decoded data 0x0C 2-size in bits, 
ceil(size in bits/8)-data 
MFM-decoded data 0x0D 2-(size in bits-65536), 
ceil(size in bits/8)-data 
end of buffer 0xFF -

6. Type 0x8n-0xBn: pulses-index streams track 
Offset Name 
+ 0 numpulses 4 Number of pulses recorded for the track 
+ 4 averagesz 3 Size in bytes of the "average" stream in the file + 
Compression type of this stream 
+ 7 minsize 3 Size in bytes of the "minimum" stream in the file + 
Compression type of this stream 
+ 10 maxsize 3 Size in bytes of the "maximum" stream in the file + 
Compression type of this stream 
+ 13 indexsize 3 Size in bytes of the "index" stream in the file + 
Compression type of this stream 
+ 16 averagedt averagesz "average" stream data 
+16+averagesz mindata minsize "minimum" stream data (optional) 
+16+averagesz maxdata maxsize "maximum" stream data (optional) 
+16+averagesz indexdata indexsize "index" stream data 

Each of the size fields (averagesz, minsize, maxsize and indexsize) contains the size of the corresponding data in 
the lower 22 bits, and the compression type in the high 2 bits. 

Description of the 4 streams of data: 

The track data is represented by the pulses recorded directly from the floppy drive Read Data line. Each stream is a 
list of sequential pulses, the last pulse directly preceding the first (data loops). Each pulse is described at the same 
position in each stream. 

- Average stream: 
When uncompressed, each pulse in this stream is a 4-byte data representing the average time elapsed since the 
previous strong pulse. A pulse is detected as strong or weak using the "index" stream. 
Additionally, the whole track "time" can be calculated by adding all data from each strong pulse in this stream. This 
whole track time is guaranteed to fit in 32 bits. The real time of each pulse can then be calculated by dividing this 
whole time by the real track time (0.2 sec for a standard PC 3.5" disk drive or low-density 5.25" disk drive, 1/6 sec 
for a standard PC high-density disk drive). 
- Minimum stream: 
This stream is optional. When uncompressed, each pulse in this stream is a 4-byte data representing the minimum 
time elapsed since the previous strong pulse. It is in fact encoded as (average - real minimum), so the real value 
must be calculated from the stream minimum as (average - stream minimum). 
When using this minimum value, keep in mind that changing the average value towards this minimum value must be 
done according to the minimum and maximum values from the other neighboring pulses, so that the whole track time 
is maintained and no minimum or maximum value is exceeded. 
- Maximum stream: 
This stream is optional. Still, it cannot exist without the minimum stream. 
When uncompressed, each pulse in this stream is a 4-byte data representing the maximum time elapsed since the 
previous strong pulse. It is in fact encoded as ((average - real minimum) - (real maximum - average)), so the real 
value must be calculated from the stream minimum and maximum values as (average + stream minimum - stream 
When using this maximum value, keep in mind that changing the average value towards this maximum value must 
be done according to the minimum and maximum values from the other neighboring pulses, so that the whole track 
time is maintained and no minimum or maximum value is exceeded. 
- Index stream: 
When uncompressed, each pulse in this stream is a 2-byte data representing the average status of the index signal 
quickly after the pulse occured. 
The most significant byte is a count for the '1' state of the index signal. 
The least significant byte is a count for the '0' state of the index signal. 
Additionally, the corresponding pulse can be detected as strong or weak by the following algorithm: 
- search in the stream for the maximum of the sum of these 2 bytes 
- if the current sum of these 2 bytes = maximum sum => pulse is strong 
- if the current sum of these 2 bytes < maximum sum => pulse is weak 
Possible values (compression types) for the high 2 bits of averagesz, minsize, maxsize and indexsize: 
0=no compression 
1=Huffman-type compression 
2=reserved for future use 
3=reserved for future use 

For type 1, a stream is encoded into one or more sub-streams as follows: 

A sub-stream corresponds to a portion of the stream, from a determined low bit number to a determined high bit 
number of each value (for example from bit number 8 to bit number 15 of each value in the stream). If more than 
one sub-stream encodes the stream, the sub-streams are ordered from the higher orders first to the lower orders 
last. The low bit number of the last sub-stream is always 0. 

Each sub-stream is encoded as follows: 

First byte: 
bits 0-6: low-order bit number (included) of the stream values that is encoded into the sub-stream. 
bit 7: 

0=decoded values must be zero-extended.
1=decoded values must be sign-extended, from bit 7 or bit 15.

Second byte: 
bits 0-6: high-order bit number (included) of the stream values that is encoded into the sub-stream. 
bit 7: 

0=8-bit values in the tree.
1=16-bit values in the tree.

Following bytes: Huffman tree, encoded as bits. Bit 7 to bit 0 of the first byte, then bit 7 to bit 0 of the next byte, etc. 

For each bit: 
0=node has 2 branches. 
1=node is a leaf. 

The bit following a 0 bit corresponds to the left branch.
The bit following a 1 bit corresponds to the deepest available right branch.
When no right branch is available after a 1 bit, then the tree is complete, and the tree leaf values begin at the byte
following immediately the byte containing the last 1 bit of the tree. The tree values are 8 or 16-bit values (depending
on bit 7 of the second byte of the sub-stream) that correspond to a path in the Huffman tree. The values are stored
in the same order as the 1 bits are found in the encoded Huffman tree.

The packed data immediately follow the tree leaf values, a 0 bit meaning a left branch in the tree, and a 1 bit meaning
a right branch. The bits are stored in bits 7 to 0 of the first byte, then bits 7 to 0 of the second byte, etc. When a leaf is
reached, then the corresponding tree leaf value must be zero or sign-extended, then output to the appropriate bits of
the decoded stream. The number of values to decode corresponds to the number of pulses recorded for the track.

---- End of Formatted Disk Image (FDI) file format version 2.0 description ---

Vincent "ApH" Joguin. 

PDF adress : http://www.oldskool.org/disk2fdi/files/FDISPEC.pdf

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