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The beginnings of a list of the all important Atari compatible mice.

STM1 Mouse - Original Atari Mouse - First Mouse with Two Buttons

Advanced Mousestick Controller - Gravis - Amiga/Atari ST Compatible - Combines Mouse/Joystick

GI-800R - Cordless Infrared Trackball Mouse - 3 button mouse - 300 DPI - GoldenIMAGE

JP-200P - The Brush - Graphics Pen - 250 DPI - GoldenIMAGE

GI-800RP - Cordless Infrared Mouse - GoldenIMAGE

GI-250C - GoldenImage 2 button mouse - GoldenIMAGE

Cordless Mouse - 200 DPI - Infrared, two button cordless mouse with three speed settings - Practical Solutions

BT-2E - Beetle Mouse - 320 DPI

Eklipse EK1000 2 button mouse - Atari/Amiga switchable

Genius Mouse - 200 DPI - Datel

Alfa Data Mouse - Amiga/Atari ST Compatible

Best Mouse - 200 DPI - Best Electronics

M-PG14 - 2 button mouse - Logitec

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